Conceptualizing Venture Proposal

Last February, like a few weeks ago, we were given a task as a team to make a venture proposal for our entrepreneurial mind subject, so basically it's all about business. Well, I think entrepreneurs have done this phase before putting up their business and making innovation. And surely this could be a stepping stone for us to learn about the science of entrepreneurship and be conscious as well about the social issues that might as well, we can probably find a solution. So, this was the story on how we came up with our venture proposal. Well, the team was so cooperative in making our proposal. We exchanged different ideas and we had a lengthy discussion about it. To mention, we had that idea of creating a fertilizer out of organic materials but it simply wasn't considered because it seems ordinary and considering the tight competition of agricultural products in the market. So we eliminate that idea and think of other ideas, and one of my teammate suggests that "why not m...